The New Theological College is committed to the basic principle that no qualified and committed student should miss an opportunity to get quality theological education due to lack of financial resources. Therefore, NTC will strive its best for helping all deserving candidates. However, we expect all who have the resources to pay the fair share of expenses of their education.
We, therefore, encourage students/parents to consider giving the living expenses and related costs of education, prior to registration. A schedule of fee is available before each new academic year as fees are subject to change every year. These will be distributed well in advance to students and sponsors so that proper preparation may be made for the upcoming year.
The actual cost of education is shown in our documents inorder for students to understand the full cost of their training. However, we are very well aware that some of the students cannot afford to pay the actual cost. NTC attempts to raise, as much possible, the cost of tuition from friends and well-wishers of the college. The purpose of showing the actual cost of education is neither to make it burdensome for students nor to scare them away. The administration wants them to be conscious of the cost and value of education they receive in NTC. Therefore, they will be grateful to the Lord, to NTC, and to the generous Christians who sacrificially give towards their cost of education.
Scholarship and Financial Aid, based on need and achievement, are available for deserving candidates. An application for financial aid must be submitted at the beginning of every year for the considering deserving cases. Those who, in the judgment of Admission Committee/Financial aid committee, do not have sufficient resources to pay towards tuition fee will be considered for tuition fee exemption.
What the students pay for living expenses is spent for their food and accommodation (water, electricity and the maintenance of the college facilities) alone. So all students are expected to have their own resources for living expenses. If students are unable to find support from their family resources, their local churches or well-wishers are strongly urged to help them and share in the blessing of training a new generation of leaders for the church of our Lord Jesus Christ India.
NTC attempts to raise scholarship funds for deserving students. So we encourage all who are committed to quality theological education to apply for admission, even if they do not have enough resources for their living expenses. Generally, all the scholarship funds are distributed at the beginning of the year and are given only for one academic year. For every subsequent year, applications for scholarship must be made. In the case of those receiving scholarship, they must maintain an average grade of B- so that they may be considered for scholarship in the following year. All students who receive full financial aid or scholarship shall be expected to minister for, at least, two years in a place that NTC recommends after their graduation.
Scholarship Work
All students who are not paying the full fee come under the scholarship work scheme. This scheme is formulated according to the level of fees paid by the students. Students who come under this scheme must work during the scheduled hours of work and contribute towards their fees or living expenses. The work hours are usually: 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and on Saturdays. Students who fail to work or complete the total work hours will be asked to pay the full fees.
Fee Payments
Students have the option to pay the fees either annually, at the beginning of each academic year, or in two installments, prior to the beginning of each semester. A student may not register for further semesters, receive any diploma, grades, transcript, and letters of recommendation or participate in graduation ceremonies until all financial obligations have been met in accordance with the financial policies of the college. Registration for courses is done at the beginning of each semester and it is mandatory for attending lectures. Owing to certain unusual circumstances, if a student is not able to make the payments on the due date, he/she may meet with the Director of Business and Finances and make alternative arrangements for the clearance of fee dues. Consequently, they may recommend the student to register for courses provisionally. In such cases, students must again approach the Registrar and confirm the registration of courses after clearing the dues. If they do not confirm the registration of courses, they shall not be allowed to appear for the final examination. Take note that it is the responsibility of the students to approach to the Registrar. The office of the Registrar will not send the reminder to such students.
Fee Payments
Students have the option to pay the fees either annually, at the beginning of each academic year, or in two installments, prior to the beginning of each semester. A student may not register for further semesters, receive any diploma, grades, transcript, and letters of recommendation or participate in graduation ceremonies until all financial obligations have been met in accordance with the financial policies of the college. Registration for courses is done at the beginning of each semester and it is mandatory for attending lectures. Owing to certain unusual circumstances, if a student is not able to make the payments on the due date, he/she may meet with the Director of Business and Finances and make alternative arrangements for the clearance of fee dues. Consequently, they may recommend the student to register for courses provisionally. In such cases, students must again approach the Registrar and confirm the registration of courses after clearing the dues. If they do not confirm the registration of courses, they shall not be allowed to appear for the final examination. Take note that it is the responsibility of the students to approach to the Registrar. The office of the Registrar will not send the reminder to such students.